
Wayback Sound Machine/Radio Terramoto
Two years ago I found myself in a location and situation that brought to mind the connections between sound and memory, which lead to considerations about sound and history. Upon thought and research, then experiments within my own practice, I have since been exploring what can come from recreating or creating sound from back in time.


PASSAGEIRA EM CASA / The traveler at Home
Intermedia and Inter-disciplinary maritime project inspired by the
journey to define the concept of "home"
and migration. The narrative is a partially fictionalized
and personalized account of the Maritime history
of Portugal, enacted by a dancer, a vocal
performer, live video performer, live electronic composer,
and other artists...all children of


come kingdom come
Experimental opera concerning millennialism and apocalyptic thought and theory in an exploratory
comparison of this past turn of the millennium to it’s prior. The opera uses The Book of Revelations as
a score and launching point, mixing the powerful poetry of Ian Colbert with medieval chant and sung with
the sublime voice of classically trained soprano, Gabriela Crowe.


There is a point when a conversation takes on a path and direction of it’s own. When there is a
sense that
it is a separate entity from its human origins, and those sharing in it have the sense of
being guided rather
then being the ones in control. The same thing can happen with an art